Coeur d’Alene Idaho / Touring Atlas Waterfront Project / December 2021 Update / Part 2
Driving Downtown Coeur d’Alene, experience our beautiful lake town with many things to offer for future home buyers like our Atlas Waterfront project.
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Michelle Garcia:
Hey, guys. It’s Michelle Garcia with and Windermere / Coeur D’Alene Realty. Just giving you a shot of what’s happening down here at the Atlas Waterfront Park. We’ve got lots of construction going on behind us. You’re looking at between the rivers, so we’re on the Spokane river and… [inaudible 00:00:58]. And I just did a tour, separate video, you can look if you want. That beige house under construction right there, we did a walkthrough on that, but I just wanted to show you what’s going on down here at Atlas. So we’ve got, the walking path is in, and you actually have a couple of different walking paths. So we’re on… This will be Atlas once all the roads open up and this connects over to [Seltise 00:01:31] and up into Atlas, the street. But this area is called Atlas Waterfront Park, is where we’re at, and I just wanted to give you a sense of what’s happening.
You’ve got some townhouses, I don’t know if you can see them, kind of toward the end of this pathway. There’s some townhouses being constructed down there. Like I said, the pathways are in. They did a lot of work on the waterfront, so all that work is done, and I’ve heard talk about these pylons being cut, not completely removed, but cut down low enough where they won’t bother anyone, but I’m not sure what’s happening with that. I think there’s some activity with the land across the way that I’m hearing rumblings of. Down the way, you see Riverstone. Well, those homes are right on Bellerive, but of course, if you’re familiar with the area that connects over to Riverstone and the movie theater and the shops and the restaurants and all that.
Looking straight in that direction is Seltise, and like I said, Seltise parallels Highway 90. So we sit, this development sits just south of Highway 90 and west of 95. So we’re right in the kind of hub of Coeur D’Alene, or this will be a hub, I think, once all this development takes place. But it’s just cool to see what’s happening and watch it take place over the months, as things progress, it’s really cool. I’ve done other videos, if you’re interested in this project, I’ve done other videos when it was first starting, but we’re really getting to the point where some of these homes, as you can see, they’ll… Sometime soon those will get delivered and we’re going to start seeing some activity down here with commercial as well.
I understand the city has put out RFPs for… There’s a triangle piece over there by the park itself, and they’re getting quotes on someone coming in and doing, I think, commercial on the lower level, and then residential condos on the upper levels, is my understanding. They want some kind of, I think, restaurant or brewery in there. And I still haven’t heard what’s happening with the marina, nothing that of at this moment, but crossing our fingers. We’re hoping that they’ll put it in a marina, but I wouldn’t count on that, so that’s a big question. But yeah, looking off in the distance, you can kind of see some of the first parts of Riverstone, and then there’s a park at the end of this pathway here. And then beyond that, what you can’t see, there’s a dog park, there’s an ADA, swimming area, and a picnic area. It’s going to be really cool. So if you’re interested in any of this, just get in touch with me at the website. All right. Thanks, guys. Bye.