About Lake Coeur d’Alene

The Lake
The pristine serenity of the lake and its surrounding? has earned Lake Coeur d? Alene a reputation as on of? the world?s most beautiful lake. The lake is about 25? miles long and ranges from 1 to 3 miles wide with a? mean depth of 120 feet. Enjoy the friendly? atmosphere of the City Beach and numerous water? activates including: water skiing, fishing, jet skiing,? parasailing, boat cruises, seaplane rides, kayaking? and more.
Outdoor Activates
North Idaho?s plentiful waterway offer great? canoeing, kayaking, rafting and power boating? opportunities, and with other 50 boater access sites,? there are lots of places to get on the water. The? region is bountiful for bicycle enthusiasts of all skills? and abilities. The maintained and scenic Centennial? Trail will take you from the Washington border all the? way to the east end of Lake Coeur ?d Alene. Other? maintained area trails include the Trail of the Coeur? d? Alene and the Tour of the Hiawatha. If mountain? biking is more your style, area ski resorts have? incorporated rugged bike trails to challenge all levels? of skill. You are sure to find a trial to challenge you?? or make your own!
Golf in North Idaho is simply stunning. Choose? among the region?s 18 beautiful courses set in some? of the country?s most gorgeous scenery. In addition? to providing course that accommodate any skill level,? Golf Digest recently deemed North Idaho home to? three of Idaho?s top courses.
Amusement Parks
Just a quick 15 minutes drive North of Coeur d? Alene? lies the northwest?s largest theme park, Silverwood.? With
more than 60 rides and attractions, including? four roller coasters, the Thunder Canyon rive raft? ride, Boulder Beach Water Park and a steam? locomotive, Silverwood has something for all ages.
Also in the area are several family fun centers filled? with day adventures, including Triple Play & Raptor? Reef Indoor Water Park, the northwest newest and? largest family fun center and Wild Waters, North? Idaho?s premier water slide theme park.
Skiing & Snowboarding
The Coeur d? Alene area boasts three ski resorts.? Silver Mountain in Kellogg has two peaks, 50 runs, 2,200 vertical feet of fun, and the world?s? longest, single-staged gondola. Lookout Pass Ski? area in Mullan is also nearby for alpine exploring? with 540 ski-able acres, vertical drop of 1,150 on? 23 named run plus two glade areas and acres of? tree skiing. Skiers can also head north to? Schweitzer Mountain Resort with 58 runs across? 2,500 acres and Stella, its 6 passenger high? speed chairlift.
Arts & Culture
Coeur d? Alene and the surrounding area support? a broad range of arts and culture. Performing and? visual arts add to the texture of the community? tapestry. Operas, chorales, symphonies, jazz and? big bands the sounds of classic and new music.
Coeur d? Alene is home to three theaters the? provide local, community productions and? professional troupe performances.
Annual events such as Art Walk, Music Walk, Marti? Gras, Art from the Heart, concerts in the City? Park, July-amsh Pow Wow, Art on Green, and A? Taste of Coeur d? Alene bring the arts to? thousands of visitors and locals alike.
Professional galleries and artists present the? finest in painting, sculptures, blown glass,? furniture and jewelry. The Museum hosts specials? exhibits on the region?s history and offer? research opportunities for the general public as? well as scholars. The Coeur d? Alene Arts and? Culture Alliance work with non-profit, volunteers,? and professional arts organizations to create a? unique fabric of life style in North Idaho.
Shopping & Dining
Residents and visitors alike have a wide selection? of shopping and dining choices in the city of? Coeur d? Alene. The Silver Lake Mall, the Coeur d?? Alene Resort Plaza shops, four large antique? malls, a strong downtown shopping area, and? Riverstone District provide a variety of options.
Coeur d? Alene offers the best in Northwest? dining. The area boasts everything from award? winning chefs to sidewalk vendors. Choose from? fresh Idaho trout, Idaho potato pizza, huckleberry? pancakes or a juicy Priest River buffalo steak.
Coeur d? Alene is also home to many national? chain retailers. And what a better way to cap your? day in Coeur d? Alene than with Northwest? microbrew, a selection from a world renowned? wine cellar or a visit to one of our many charming? coffee shops.
Coeur d’Alene Then and Now
Coeur d? Alene is a special community. We?re blessed with natural beauty that most? people can only dream about, plus a true, four-season climate that brings unique beauty? no matter the season. Whether you enjoy lakes or mountains in the great outdoors or? world class amenities in a friendly indoor environment. Coeur d? Alene has a lot to offer? you. Even more than the outstanding beauty of the area, it is the people who have chosen? to live here to make Coeur d? Alene such a special place to be. It is their energy and vision? that have created a quality of life that we who live here are proud to enjoy. We invite you? to share it with us either as a full-time resident or as a visitor.
Then & Now

Just as Coeur d? Alene Lake serves as the traditional focus for the Coeur d? Alene Tribe, it? is the center of the Coeur d? Alene community today. The lake, during all seasons, remain? the heart of our area.
Early French-speaking fur traders names Coeur d? Alene Lake. According to legend, the? traders believed the local Indians to be sharp traders and called the Lake Coeur d? Alene? since their hears were as sharp as an awl. In 1878 Fort Sherman was established and the? city began to grow. Coeur d? Alene was incorporated in 1887 and continued to flourish.? It?s a town with a rich background in lake steamers, fur trading, logging and mining.
Until the early 1890?s, Coeur d? Alene serves as the railroad/steamboat transfer point for? transportation between the mines in the Silver Valley to the east and the smelters they? fed. The area continues to prosper in the early 1900?s when a major timber boom caused? the population to increase 16-fold in a period of 10 years. The city continued to expand? from a small frontier village into the political and business center of Kootenai County and? became the county seat in 1908
Today, Coeur d? Alene remains the center of business and recreational activities in the? Inland Northwest complete with festivals, fairs, concerts, unique bistros, and elegant? restaurants, main street and mall shopping and much more. Its strong presence is found? in state government and its increased economic development over the past several years? is remarkable. Coeur d? Alene continues to grow and prosper in the new millennium.
The above information is an excerpt from the North Idaho Relocation Guide courtesy of Windermere Coeur d’Alene Realty.
For more information or to get the guide, go here: